Discover How to Become More Successful, Happier, Wealthier, Get Unstuck, and Be Better at Everything You Do – Personally & Professionally! Click Here.
The Man Who Has Been Called “One of the Best Life Coaches on the Planet,” “the Bulldog of Work-Life Balance” and “America’s Life Coach” Will Show You How To Make Your Life MUCH BETTER in Just 30 Days! Click Here.

Listen to Coach Mobley answer a question from a Dad at
The most exciting thing that I will share with you today is that the key to individual Self-Mastery is available to all of us. Each of us can achieve our own degree of Self-Mastery, and therefore, reach all of our goals, and all of our dreams for ourselves, our family members, and our loved ones.
The key to our individual Self-Mastery can be summed up in one word. That word is, “Information.”
Those who have access to information can have power. They can transform themselves and others in ways that were unimagined just a few years ago. Click Here to Read the rest of this article from Darryl.
By James Michael Lafferty – Retired CEO of Procter & Gamble, a Former CEO of Coca-Cola and a current CEO of British American Tobacco*
MANILA, Philippines – Twenty-five years ago I had one of those bosses who drastically influenced the course of my life. His name was Darryl Mobley and he was the living and breathing example of a “self-made man.” He grew up as the grandson of migrant orange pickers in Florida. He studied hard, stayed out of trouble, and after high school attended the prestigious United States Military Academy at West Point (alongside future general Danilo Lim). He graduated into leading roles in US Army Intelligence, Special Intelligence, and then later entered business life, first as a quickly promoted Procter & Gamble business executive and now as a successful entrepreneur, publisher, and consultant.
The man is the definition of success — of overcoming huge odds and winning.
Whenever someone asked him, “How did you do it?” and avoid the traps so many of his peers fell into, Darryl always had a simple answer. Click Here to read the rest of this article.
Most parents make the huge mistake of leaving the process of selecting and getting accepted by colleges in the hands of their teenagers. That’s crazy! That is like giving teens the keys to your car and your credit card and letting them do what they think best. If you want the best for your kid in this most important decision you need to have and follow a proven plan for successfully getting into the best college possible.
Twenty-seven months ago a friend of mine called me and asked what he needed to do to help his daughter get into a top college. His daughter had been – to that point – a solid, high B student. My friend knew that I had college-coached more than 200 high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors over the past several years – with the objective being to help them get accepted into great schools that matched their abilities and interests. He then asked if I would college-coach his daughter and develop her blueprint. I agreed to do so. The results were stupendous! CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE STORY.
I Can Help!
Is your work life negatively affecting you? Is work harming your personal life? Is work separating you from your family? Are you on the path to a divorce caused – at least in part – by the demands of work? Can you not remember the last time you had true Free Time? Have you failed to take vacation time because you feel that they “need you” at work? Have you achieved professional success matched by your personal failures? Are you a corporate executive, entrepreneur, sales executive or professional who is being swallowed up by work? Do your kids and significant others complain about how much you work? Are your eating habits out-of-whack? Do you spend too much time irritable, depressed…? Are you regularly texting or emailing co-workers about work really late at night? Is work sucking you dry of your passion, your life, your health…? Are you a slave to your job?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above – – you need to take part in my next Free telephone or online Seminar titled: “How To Achieve Life Balance AND be successful professionally AND be happy personally AND have a family that adores you 100% AND have no regrets!” CLICK HERE NOW to get information and sign-up. Space is limited! You may also copy and paste the link that follows into your browser:
Remember – You DO Deserve to Live a Great Life!
Enjoy Life!
Darryl L. Mobley
P.S. You only get one life. Imagine living your life in balance… Achieving your professional goals, making more money, and living a happy, fulfilled personal life. CLICK HERE NOW for my free seminar.
I need you to join me. You know me as a life and executive coach. You should also know that I am leading a group that is launching a TV Channel on cable and satellite dish that features female athletes and female sporting events 24 hours a day. It may help you to think of us as similar to ESPN except that while they are 99+% male athletes and male sports, we will be 100% female athletes and female sports. The name of our channel is “Sports Channel for Women” TV Network. Sports Channel for Women will air interesting female sporting events, from across the country and around the world.
But – To what am I inviting YOU? CLICK HERE to get info and JOIN THE MOVEMENT.
Hello Friend! Darryl here. You may know that I am CEO & Co-Founder of the Sports Channel for Women TV Network. I need your help. We want you to tell us who you believe to be the Top Female Athletes at or by clicking the image below. We want nominations from every sport and every country. Go ahead and do it now. Thanks!

10 Signs That It’s Time To
Spring Clean Your Love Life
(Plus – Tips on How to Do it!)
Darryl L. Mobley
Spring is right around the corner and I recently completed a show/presentation on why you need to Spring Clean your relationship. Folks loved it and I decided I should share it with you. To listen to this 55 minute presentation, just click on the link below.
By the way – I have included with this column (below the link) my message to you from earlier in the year. (A Baker’s Dozen list of stupid things that you could do this year.) It was so popular and seemed to impact so many that I thought it right to put it to you again since we are now almost a quarter of the way through the year(!!).
CLICK HERE to Spring Clean Your Relationship.
12 (13) Stupid Things
You COULD Do This Year
(but I hope you don’t!)
This isn’t me, but… Yes! I have wrestled a gator before. I know ‘ridiculous’ things to do!

This isn't me. But - I have wrestled a gator before! Pretty foolish.
1. Not use the awesome power of daily To-Do lists.
2. Not set weekly, monthly, and yearly personal goals.
3. Not decide who you really love.
4. Not set weekly, monthly, and yearly professional goals.
5. Not read books that make you better.
6. Not form your own powerful mastermind group of people who are even more committed to success than you are.
7. Not decide the five things about yourself that you will change this year (month? week? day?)
8. Not develop a Relationship Agenda with your significant other.
9. Not establish development goals for your children.
10. Not communicate regularly with someone who will make you better, happier, or more fulfilled.

Don't Do It!
11. Not ask your teenage children to give you a list of the 15 things that they want you to help them learn over the rest of the year.
12. Not show your love to those you love every single day.
13. Spend any time with those who enable you to drink too much, laugh too little, smoke, be depressed, be
It’s all about choices.
Click Here to listen to and/or download a segment from The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio. Grab your teenagers and have them listen as Darryl gives tips on life, success, failure, and the role each teen plays in determining their destiny. Turn up your speakers! Give Darryl feedback on this segment by emailing us at: . Let him know how these tips changed your life, or the life of your teenager.
Complete the form below and then read the info below the form. You will return to this page once you click Submit. Thank you!
Once you click submit we will send you an email to confirm that you signed yourself up for this teleseminar. You MUST open the email that we send you and click the Confirmation Link in order to be admitted to the Teleseminar.
It’s Darryl, and I want to remind you that you’ve still got time to sign up for a brand new, one-time complimentary Teleseminar… being taught by me. But hurry, because it happens Wednesday, August 17, at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central / 7pm Mountain / 6pm Pacific time! You must Pre-Register and “seating” is limited. Sign-up above.
This powerful seminar (that you can join in by phone or internet) lays out the specific things that may be blocking your teenager from becoming happier, healthier, more focused, more successful, and easier to live with, and teaches you, step-by-step, how to overcome these barriers and create a better destiny for both your teen and your relationship with him/her.
“25 Reasons Why Your Teenager Frustrates You…Under-performs in School…Is Argumentative…Makes Bad Choices… Has Self-Esteem Issues… Seems Bored All The Time… Has A Bad Attitude… Succumbs to Peer Pressure… and Hangs Around Losers: Life-changing advice to redirect your teen toward success and make yourself happier” – JUST IN TIME FOR THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!
One-time Free Teleseminar with Darryl Mobley
Wednesday, August 17, at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central / 7pm Mountain / 6pm Pacific Time!
You must pre-register to get the special entry code and number. Register now!
Get all the details – Complete the form on this page and Submit now
Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl after the Earth, Wind & Fire intro. Duration: 60 minutes.
Lover. Fighter. What’s the difference?
Are you a lover or a fighter? Is your relationship heaven-on-earth or a living hell? Take Darryl Mobley’s Lover or Fighter 20 Question Quiz below and find out.
1. Have you ever become so upset with your significant other that you became violent?
2. Have most of your past relationships been filled with conflict?
3. Do you get into an argument with your significant other at least once a week?
4. Have any of your relationships ever ended because of your mood, anger, or temper?
5. Have you ever said to, or done things with, your significant other, in anger that you came to regret?
6. Do you have a difficult time expressing remorse when you have made a mistake?
7. Do you believe that your relationship is more interesting because of the constant conflict?
Get The Love You Deserve! Attend my online/by phone seminar. CLICK HERE now for more info.
8. Do you believe that getting into regular fights with your significant other just shows that you really care?
9. Do you have fights with your significant other and often can’t remember what you are fighting about?
10. Do you find yourself waiting for your significant other to piss you off again?
11. As far as your relationships go, do you believe – and live by – the adage that “opposites attract”?
12. Are you often asked to ‘calm down’?
13. Do other people say that you are stubborn?
14. Have you been told more than once that you ‘fly off the handle’ or have a bad temper?
15. Do you think that fighting with your significant other is okay as long as it does not become physical?
16. Were your parents generally argumentative, sullen, spiteful, nitpicky, or negative with each other?
Get The Love You Deserve! Attend my online/by phone seminar. CLICK HERE now for more info.
17. Are you an alcoholic?
18. Have you ever withheld intimacy to punish your significant other?
19. Have you ever gotten really angry with your significant other when they have arrived late for dinner with you because of an emergency at work?
20. Have you ever lived with an alcoholic?
Get The Love You Deserve! Attend my online/by phone seminar. CLICK HERE now for more info.
There is no magic score with my Lover or Fighter 20 question quiz. However, generally speaking, your relationship is not near blissful if you answered, “yes” to more than a very, very few of my 20 quiz questions. I believe in the primacy of a peaceful, loving relationship. If you would rather be a lover than a fighter in your relationship, get focused on replacing the bad habits as evinced by your “yes” answers by CLICKING HERE.
©2011 Mobley Trainings. All rights reserved.
What do you want to accomplish next year? What changes do you want to make? What are your goals and dreams for your Relationship, Income, Health, Career, Motivation…? To get Darryl’s SECRETS for Accomplishing Your New Year’s Resolutions and making the next year your best ever, complete the quick & easy form below and click submit. Then, look in your email inbox for a message from Darryl.
After you click SUBMIT, look in your email inbox for important information from Darryl.
Darryl Mobley has helped thousands of people excel beyond their self-imposed limits… make more money… succeed after job loss, business decline and career misfortune… build successful businesses… move beyond toxic relationships and emotionally unhealthy behaviors… and finally attain the lifestyle, career and financial rewards they deserve.
What Could You Do With Your Future If You Worked Personally with Darryl Mobley for 3 Intense Hours This January?

Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl Coaching A Radio Listener and The Listener’s Testimonial
You Need A Hobby!
by Darryl L. Mobley
Do you have a hobby that you love? One that consumes you? I certainly hope so.
One of the subscribers to my Success eNewsletter (Jim W. from Tennessee) sent me information on his hobby. I loved his stories and the photos. Jim collects, re-tools, and races Mustangs. His hobby caused him to meet his wife of 40+ years, meet folks who have become friends, bond with younger members of his family, and travel. He tells me that his car hobby has even kept him young! That’s good stuff. [CLICK THE CONTINUE READING LINK TO SEE MY LIST OF 214 HOBBIES>>>
Click the yellow arrow BELOW to hear a recent show – The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio – as Darryl provides coaching to deal with the things your kids do that really get on your nerve! Darryl tells callers how to deal with disrespectful children, adult children who ignore their parents, kids who steal their parents’ car, children who physically fight their mom, children of divorced parents who don’t get along, and much more. Darryl also provides his 12 Commandments of Parenting. Put on your hardhat. . . Darryl comes out swinging in his unique style and manages to get the callers on the right track! CLICK THE ARROW BELOW AND LISTEN NOW!
Listen for Darryl’s lead-in music from Earth, Wind & Fire
Relationship Can Be Yours!
Coupled, Married, and Single Men and Women:
Are You Ready to Have The Relationship You’ve Always Dreamed Of…
NO Arguing,
NO Bad Feelings,
NO Cheating,
NO Nagging, and. . . (wait for it)
If “YES!” – then CLICK HERE NOW.
Happy Mother’s Day
When Mom’s Happy – Everybody’s Happy
by Darryl L. Mobley
Yes. I know. You are feeling tons of pressure right about now because you need to pull off this whole Mother’s Day thing. Every single year the holiday pops up. The TV Ads make it so that your one-and-only is on high-alert. And the peer pressure is intense, if only because “Mr. Perfect Husband” down the street is so darn creative!
But – I’ve got your back because this is a game you must play to win. The great day is right around the corner, which means you don’t have much time. So, let’s cut to the chase. A mother’s love is one of the most powerful forces in this world. I’ve got 48 ways to celebrate her love this Mother’s Day. Pick 1, 2 or more ways to make this Mother’s Day extra special for your wife, mom, girlfriend, or other love of your life.
Drum roll please. Here They Are!
301 Things For Your Kids To
Do During The Summer
You Get One Life. Live It!
By Darryl L. Mobley
Summer is right around the corner. I know this because my kids have taken to reminding me of the exciting possibilities of the no-school season every single day. And to be honest, I still hold a special spot in my heart for the season. I remember playing sports all day with my buddies, going out early in the morning with an empty burlap bag and my dog, and returning at dusk with a bag full of wild snakes (some poisonous) and turtles; climbing to roof tops of old buildings and parachuting with bed sheets; and digging a tunnel – with my friends – that was bigger than my bedroom. Creative? Yes. Dangerous? We didn’t think about that. Fun? Absolutely! How did we ever do without cell phones, Ipods, staged play-dates, video games, birthday gifts to every kid attending the birthday party, minivans, or Evite? Anyway…
CLICK HERE>> to Hear an episode of the Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio… Listen as Darryl discusses Relationship Rescues, love, dating, marriage, and… How To Lose A Man In Just 1 Minute; the 5 Things Men Will Never Tell You; and How Selecting the Right Man is Like Getting a Great Fitting Bra!
That’s Darryl’s Bulldog puppy in the photo. He brings it to the office all the time. It has nothing to do with this show. We just think it’s cute!
The Pet Store and the Squirrel Monkey
You Get One Life. Live It!
By Darryl L. Mobley
As I spoke with my children on how best to reach their goals in sports and academics, I was reminded of my story of the pet store and the squirrel monkey. (I actually had squirrel monkeys for pets when I was a teenager. My mother decided to feed them scrambled eggs and bacon. What happened next would bring a tear to your eyes. But that’s another story for another time!)
I thought I would share my story with you.
A man was walking downtown and passed a pet store. As he looked in the pet store window he saw a large cage filled with some really cute squirrel monkeys. Like me, he had always liked monkeys and so he went into the pet store.
By Darryl L. Mobley
Reasons for Business Success or Failure
Why do the few businesses achieve magnificent success and the majority live on the edge of failure? This question has challenged me since I was a young boy. You should know that besides my work as a Life & Executive Coach, I am also a Business-Growth Coach to clients across the country. This means that I spend a good deal of my time studying what makes businesses succeed and applying those techniques and strategies to client businesses.
We have all heard of the folks who started with little and went on to drive their businesses to massive success. Surely there must be a set of action steps or “laws” that you and I could apply to grow our own businesses and live our best lives. There are…
Calling all Parents! Yes. You!
~ Do you want your kids to stop being knuckleheads?
~ Do you want your kids to be able to leave home and get on with their lives… without needing to suck off of you forever?
~ Do you know that your kids are just not ready for what the real world will throw at them?
~ Are you a bit unclear on just what you should make sure that your kids know before they leave your house?
~ Is graduation just around the corner for your kid?
Well… you should get Darryl’s special report…
Click on the Welcome to Real Life picture at upper right in order to get the special report for FREE!
By Darryl L. Mobley
America’s Favorite Life & Business-Growth Coach
[A coaching client of mine just asked me this question in response to a breakthrough she had based on some questions I asked her: “Darryl. How do you know these secrets to life? You know more about my motivations than I do!” The answer I gave her: “I am a student of life. I study and absorb the lessons that life constantly teaches.” Here’s an example.]
Whenever the Winter Olympics roll around, I always have flashbacks to an amazing time in my life. Allow me to share…
Several years ago, I was training at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. During my 6 am work-out I noticed this guy squat-walking around the track with a tire full of sand around his neck. It was obviously very heavy.
Can You Squat-Walk?
I did not know who the guy was or what he did as an athlete. Finally, one day at lunch I happened to be sitting across the table from him. I introduced myself. His name was Eric. I said, “I see you squat-walking every morning. That’s incredible. What sport do you do?” And he said, “I’m a skater, you know, a speed skater.” Eric seemed to be a very unassuming person.
Sign Up to get Darryl Mobley’s 32 Great Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day! This is a CONTEST where everyone who wants Darryl’s list will WIN it. Click this link >> VALENTINE’S DAY (or the heart over at right) and get your list now! Happy Valentine’s Day!
On Parenting…
Imagine creating positive change in your household…
…change that will reduce parent-child conflict;
…change that will reduce your stress-level significantly; and
…change that will increase the likelihood that your child will be a success — both at school and in life.
On Relationships…
Imagine creating positive change in your key relationship…
…change that will reduce conflict between you and your significant other;
…change that will reduce the level of stress in your current or future relationship significantly; and
…change that will increase the likelihood that your relationship will bring you joy and fulfillment.
If You Are Interested In Parenting or Relationships…
Complete the form below and Darryl will provide you with a FREE Special Report on How to Be a Great Parent and How to Get Into and Keep a Loving Relationship.
P.S. – NONE of Us Were Born Knowing How To Be Great Parents or Get Into and Maintain Great Relationships. We have to learn how… Complete the form above now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! If where you are right now is not good enough for you… If you want more out of life than what you have… If you are willing to make changes in order to live your BEST life… If you want to make this year your best year – personally, professionally, internally and externally… If you would like to be coached by a person called “the best life coach on the planet”… Then You Must Enter to Win FREE Coaching from Darryl, Click HERE Now 
Hello Friend!
I just completed my first meeting with a new Business-Growth client. During our time together I asked her several questions. She told me that the questions I asked her were “very challenging; but, I should know the answers and I don’t.” (See the questions below.) We went on to have a great session. We were able to identify several shifts she could make in her business that will allow her to more than double her sales within two months. I am very happy for her and I look forward to working with her. She really wants to grow her business. That’s exciting!
One thing that my session with her and my other Business-Growth clients teaches me is that business owners are often so focused on their day-to-day business activities that they sometimes miss out on the really big opportunities. As a way of illustrating this, I ask that you click on the link below and see if you can count the number of passes the team in white makes. You will be amazed…
How Many Passes Does The Team In White Make?
Here are some of the questions that I asked her. I thought you might find them helpful.
– What are the various media you use to grow your business?
– What are the response rates for each of the media you use?
– What is the conversion percentage of the response you get?
– What are the conversion costs for each of the media you use?
– Do you have a segmented database so you can make segmented marketing offers?
– How often are you communicating with your customers?
Let me know if YOU have any questions.
Enjoy Life! and Keep Building.
Darryl L. Mobley
“In our lives we have two types of people. We have people who are ‘mirrors’ and, if we are lucky, we have a ‘teacher.’ Teachers are people who mentor us to be the best we can be. Teachers are rare because they make us better. Darryl, you are a teacher. That’s why your show is great! I love it. You are authentic.”
~ Shelley Gerhardt, Southwest Independent Insurance
by Darryl L. Mobley –
When was the last time you enjoyed a night out with your mate? I mean a date that did not include the kids, random friends, or unnecessary family members? If this kind of alone-time is a distant memory to you — then your relationship needs some new energy. Some sizzle. Some snap. Okay – even some sex for those of you who are so inclined. (You know who you are!)
Here’s the deal — If you don’t re-energize your relationship, your relationship will wither up and die. And you will despair as your once tight connection to your spouse becomes one in which you are – as the great, late Richard Pryor said in a comedy riff – “in love with a person you can’t stand!” Oh yes – it can happen to you.
The 4 tips that follow will help you keep your marriage fresh and alive:
Are you stuck? Are you at a loss for how to become un-stuck?
Here’s what I mean by “stuck.”
Stuck is where you are when you feel you don’t know what to do next or now. Perhaps you are stuck in a bad or unsatisfying job. Maybe you are stuck in a less than fulfilling relationship. Or, you could be stuck and unable to start that book. You might be stuck hanging around the same underachievers or negative people day after day. Sometimes we get stuck in bad habits – overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, out of control anger, laziness, wasting time, lack of focus, spending time on worthless endeavors, negative thinking, and on and on.
Being stuck reflects your results. Your results are a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Your results reflect what you have done up to now. Your results reflect how you act. Your results reflect who you allow to influence you.
I Have 39 Questions That
You Need To Answer
You Need To Answer
by Darryl L. Mobley
Most people fail to think big because they suffer from “possibility blindness.” Well… like a run down car battery – I can get your possibility thinking and seeing charged up. I do this by asking questions. Ask yourself the questions that follow and let your answers jumpstart your dreams.
1. Are you happy with your appearance?
2. Are you more focused on family or business?
3. Did you go on your honeymoon?
4. Do you have ideas for new businesses?
5. Do you love yourself?
6. Does your job fulfill you?
7. Have you taken a second honeymoon?
8. Have you traveled internationally?
9. How can you become more organized?
10. How can you improve your ability to connect with your loved ones?
11. How much do you weigh?
12. How much money do you have in savings/investments?
13. How much time do you spend with your kids?
14. How much time do you spend with your significant other?
15. If you could have any job, what would it be and why?
16. Is your life in balance?
17. What activities do you enjoy doing with family and friends?
18. What are your hobbies and when was the last time you did any of them?
19. What do you want to do that you haven’t done?
20. What do you want to experience that you haven’t experienced?
21. What do you want to see that you haven’t seen?
22. What do you want your legacy to be?
23. What don’t you know enough about?
24. What is the last book you read?
25. What is the last new dish you tried?
26. What is the last new thing you learned?
27. What is the name of the last class you took? When was that?
28. What magazines do you subscribe to?
29. What topics really interest you?
30. What would you do right now, if you knew you would not fail?
31. When is the last time you had a physical?
32. When was the last time you exercised 3 or more times a week?
33. When was the last time you took a vacation?
34. Where do you want to vacation that you haven’t visited?
35. Who are your five closest friends?
36. Who is your best friend?
37. Do you drink too much?
38. Do you eat too much?
39. Is your outlook generally negative?
Please share the questions/this message with your friends & family members. (We all can use a jumpstart to get out of our ruts.)
Enjoy Life!
Darryl L. Mobley
“One of the best life coaches on the planet!”
Known as “America’s Life Coach”
America’s No. 1 Life Coach for Teenagers
CLICK HERE to hear and see Coach Mobley tell you how to…
Use the Power of Words to Live Your Best Life Right Now!