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Use the Power of Words to Live Your Best Life Right Now!
10 Signs That It’s Time To
Spring Clean Your Love Life
(Plus – Tips on How to Do it!)
Darryl L. Mobley
Spring is right around the corner and I recently completed a show/presentation on why you need to Spring Clean your relationship. Folks loved it and I decided I should share it with you. To listen to this 55 minute presentation, just click on the link below.
By the way – I have included with this column (below the link) my message to you from earlier in the year. (A Baker’s Dozen list of stupid things that you could do this year.) It was so popular and seemed to impact so many that I thought it right to put it to you again since we are now almost a quarter of the way through the year(!!).
CLICK HERE to Spring Clean Your Relationship.
12 (13) Stupid Things
You COULD Do This Year
(but I hope you don’t!)
This isn’t me, but… Yes! I have wrestled a gator before. I know ‘ridiculous’ things to do!
1. Not use the awesome power of daily To-Do lists.
2. Not set weekly, monthly, and yearly personal goals.
3. Not decide who you really love.
4. Not set weekly, monthly, and yearly professional goals.
5. Not read books that make you better.
6. Not form your own powerful mastermind group of people who are even more committed to success than you are.
7. Not decide the five things about yourself that you will change this year (month? week? day?)
8. Not develop a Relationship Agenda with your significant other.
9. Not establish development goals for your children.
10. Not communicate regularly with someone who will make you better, happier, or more fulfilled.
11. Not ask your teenage children to give you a list of the 15 things that they want you to help them learn over the rest of the year.
12. Not show your love to those you love every single day.
13. Spend any time with those who enable you to drink too much, laugh too little, smoke, be depressed, be
It’s all about choices.
Click Here to listen to and/or download a segment from The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio. Grab your teenagers and have them listen as Darryl gives tips on life, success, failure, and the role each teen plays in determining their destiny. Turn up your speakers! Give Darryl feedback on this segment by emailing us at: . Let him know how these tips changed your life, or the life of your teenager.
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Once you click submit we will send you an email to confirm that you signed yourself up for this teleseminar. You MUST open the email that we send you and click the Confirmation Link in order to be admitted to the Teleseminar.
It’s Darryl, and I want to remind you that you’ve still got time to sign up for a brand new, one-time complimentary Teleseminar… being taught by me. But hurry, because it happens Wednesday, August 17, at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central / 7pm Mountain / 6pm Pacific time! You must Pre-Register and “seating” is limited. Sign-up above.
This powerful seminar (that you can join in by phone or internet) lays out the specific things that may be blocking your teenager from becoming happier, healthier, more focused, more successful, and easier to live with, and teaches you, step-by-step, how to overcome these barriers and create a better destiny for both your teen and your relationship with him/her.
“25 Reasons Why Your Teenager Frustrates You…Under-performs in School…Is Argumentative…Makes Bad Choices… Has Self-Esteem Issues… Seems Bored All The Time… Has A Bad Attitude… Succumbs to Peer Pressure… and Hangs Around Losers: Life-changing advice to redirect your teen toward success and make yourself happier” – JUST IN TIME FOR THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!
One-time Free Teleseminar with Darryl Mobley
Wednesday, August 17, at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central / 7pm Mountain / 6pm Pacific Time!
You must pre-register to get the special entry code and number. Register now!
Get all the details – Complete the form on this page and Submit now
Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl after the Earth, Wind & Fire intro. Duration: 60 minutes.
Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl Coaching A Radio Listener and The Listener’s Testimonial
You Need A Hobby!
by Darryl L. Mobley
Do you have a hobby that you love? One that consumes you? I certainly hope so.
One of the subscribers to my Success eNewsletter (Jim W. from Tennessee) sent me information on his hobby. I loved his stories and the photos. Jim collects, re-tools, and races Mustangs. His hobby caused him to meet his wife of 40+ years, meet folks who have become friends, bond with younger members of his family, and travel. He tells me that his car hobby has even kept him young! That’s good stuff. [CLICK THE CONTINUE READING LINK TO SEE MY LIST OF 214 HOBBIES>>>
Click the yellow arrow BELOW to hear a recent show – The Darryl Mobley Show: Your Life Coach On The Radio – as Darryl provides coaching to deal with the things your kids do that really get on your nerve! Darryl tells callers how to deal with disrespectful children, adult children who ignore their parents, kids who steal their parents’ car, children who physically fight their mom, children of divorced parents who don’t get along, and much more. Darryl also provides his 12 Commandments of Parenting. Put on your hardhat. . . Darryl comes out swinging in his unique style and manages to get the callers on the right track! CLICK THE ARROW BELOW AND LISTEN NOW!
Listen for Darryl’s lead-in music from Earth, Wind & Fire
Relationship Can Be Yours!
Coupled, Married, and Single Men and Women:
Are You Ready to Have The Relationship You’ve Always Dreamed Of…
NO Arguing,
NO Bad Feelings,
NO Cheating,
NO Nagging, and. . . (wait for it)
If “YES!” – then CLICK HERE NOW.
301 Things For Your Kids To
Do During The Summer
You Get One Life. Live It!
By Darryl L. Mobley
Summer is right around the corner. I know this because my kids have taken to reminding me of the exciting possibilities of the no-school season every single day. And to be honest, I still hold a special spot in my heart for the season. I remember playing sports all day with my buddies, going out early in the morning with an empty burlap bag and my dog, and returning at dusk with a bag full of wild snakes (some poisonous) and turtles; climbing to roof tops of old buildings and parachuting with bed sheets; and digging a tunnel – with my friends – that was bigger than my bedroom. Creative? Yes. Dangerous? We didn’t think about that. Fun? Absolutely! How did we ever do without cell phones, Ipods, staged play-dates, video games, birthday gifts to every kid attending the birthday party, minivans, or Evite? Anyway…