Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl after the Earth, Wind & Fire intro. Duration: 60 minutes.
Turn up your speakers, Click The Arrow Below, and Listen to Darryl Coaching A Radio Listener and The Listener’s Testimonial
The Pet Store and the Squirrel Monkey
You Get One Life. Live It!
By Darryl L. Mobley
As I spoke with my children on how best to reach their goals in sports and academics, I was reminded of my story of the pet store and the squirrel monkey. (I actually had squirrel monkeys for pets when I was a teenager. My mother decided to feed them scrambled eggs and bacon. What happened next would bring a tear to your eyes. But that’s another story for another time!)
I thought I would share my story with you.
A man was walking downtown and passed a pet store. As he looked in the pet store window he saw a large cage filled with some really cute squirrel monkeys. Like me, he had always liked monkeys and so he went into the pet store.
Are you stuck? Are you at a loss for how to become un-stuck?
Here’s what I mean by “stuck.”
Stuck is where you are when you feel you don’t know what to do next or now. Perhaps you are stuck in a bad or unsatisfying job. Maybe you are stuck in a less than fulfilling relationship. Or, you could be stuck and unable to start that book. You might be stuck hanging around the same underachievers or negative people day after day. Sometimes we get stuck in bad habits – overeating, smoking, excessive drinking, out of control anger, laziness, wasting time, lack of focus, spending time on worthless endeavors, negative thinking, and on and on.
Being stuck reflects your results. Your results are a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Your results reflect what you have done up to now. Your results reflect how you act. Your results reflect who you allow to influence you.