I Can Help!
Is your work life negatively affecting you? Is work harming your personal life? Is work separating you from your family? Are you on the path to a divorce caused – at least in part – by the demands of work? Can you not remember the last time you had true Free Time? Have you failed to take vacation time because you feel that they “need you” at work? Have you achieved professional success matched by your personal failures? Are you a corporate executive, entrepreneur, sales executive or professional who is being swallowed up by work? Do your kids and significant others complain about how much you work? Are your eating habits out-of-whack? Do you spend too much time irritable, depressed…? Are you regularly texting or emailing co-workers about work really late at night? Is work sucking you dry of your passion, your life, your health…? Are you a slave to your job?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above – – you need to take part in my next Free telephone or online Seminar titled: “How To Achieve Life Balance AND be successful professionally AND be happy personally AND have a family that adores you 100% AND have no regrets!” CLICK HERE NOW to get information and sign-up. Space is limited! You may also copy and paste the link that follows into your browser: http://lifecoachontheradio.com/workaholic
Remember – You DO Deserve to Live a Great Life!
Enjoy Life!
Darryl L. Mobley
P.S. You only get one life. Imagine living your life in balance… Achieving your professional goals, making more money, and living a happy, fulfilled personal life. CLICK HERE NOW for my free seminar.