Special Offer to All Subscribers to the
Book Of Real Love Magazine

Because you are a subscriber to the Book Of Real Love Magazine, you can get an immediate 10% special discount on the bestselling book: The Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! READ BELOW NOW. Get the special discount by typing “READER100” (without the quote marks) in the coupon space during checkout.

AttentionAll Single Men & Women and Couples who would like to…

“…Attract Your Soul-Mate, Get More Love, Stop The Arguing, Give More Love, Make Your Relationship Really Work, and Bring Joy Back Into Your Personal Life, With Less Stress — No Matter The Mistakes You’ve Made In Your Relationship.”


Listen to a Personal Message from Darryl Mobley

The Problem with Relationships…

checkmark53x40 92% of relationships are not happy ones. And most couples don’t know how to make them happy.
checkmark53x40 97% of couples say that their own parents did NOT show them how to have a happy, fulfilling relationship.borlweb500x587
checkmark53x40 In 89% of all relationships, one or both would not get married to the same person if they could do it all over again.
checkmark53x40 Too many singles get into relationships with people who don’t want what they want.
checkmark53x40 Very few couples have ever learned how to fight fair.
checkmark53x40 Most couples let their work come between them.
checkmark53x40 78% of all relationships suffer from non-stop arguments and turmoil about sex, ex-spouses, children, money, or family members.
checkmark53x40 Many relationships are at a state where one member of the relationship despises the other.
checkmark53x40 The vast majority of couples, in relationships of 3 years or more, rarely touch each other any more.
checkmark53x40 Very, very few people who want to get into a great relationship know how to find their Soul-Mate.
checkmark53x40 Most couples let their intimacy slide to the point that they become just roommates.
checkmark53x40 Most women don’t know the things that they do that cause them to make bad choices in the men they date.
checkmark53x40 Most couples grow apart once they start having children. They have no idea how to keep the love they had between them before the kids showed up.
checkmark53x40 Most couples don’t know how to successfully handle ex-spouses/lovers.

If You Are Suffering From Any Of These Relationship Killers – – Help Is On The Way! You DON’T Have To Suffer Any Longer

The blockbuster new Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! will give you the answers, pathways, and solutions that will lead you to your own great relationship. This book is the result of my work and research with more than 3,000 singles and couples into what really works in relationships. I know what strengthens and what destroys promising relationships. Once you know what to do to get or keep your own great relationship, you will be living in heaven on earth.

Warning! Don’t even think of starting a new
relationship or doing anything drastic in
your current relationship until you read the
Book Of Real Love:
How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!

My name is Darryl Mobley and over the past 20 years I have successfully coached hundreds of couples – – helping them change from relationships that were in horrible condition to relationships that are full of love, respect, and fulfillment. I have also successfully coached several hundred singles — — helping them find their Soul-Mate. I am no-nonsense, direct, and completely focused on helping my clients live in love and love the life that they live. I have spoken around the world before thousands on the topics that really matter: love, relationships, marriage, family, and parenting. And, unlike many who write books and speak on love, I am fabulously in love with my first wife. She is my Soul-Mate. I live what I coach and know from my experience and the experience of thousands whose lives I’ve impacted that what I share with you really works.

“None of us were born knowing how to get and keep a great relationship. We have to learn how to do it right.”

I have been called “One of the BEST Life Coaches on the planet!” I can help you and your love life.

“Okay, Enough About Me. Let Me Show You What You’ll Discover When You Get the ‘Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!’…”

In this powerful and to-the-point volume of successful relationship techniques, you’ll find over 35 chapters explaining in detail how to implement specific love-building strategies step-by-step.

This manual is the result of OVER 20 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL WORK WITH COUPLES and thousands of hours of painstaking detail to ensure that each strategy is explained in depth, so you can apply them to your relationship immediately.

You simply won’t find a more comprehensive guide to getting love and giving love. That’s why it makes sense for you to take a closer look at the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!

I’ll teach you how to take the stress and guesswork out of getting the love that you deserve.

Here’s what you will learn in the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!

checkmark53x40 Six Questions to Ask Yourself Before Entering a Serious Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Attract and Keep Mr./Ms. Right
checkmark53x40 Seven Ways to Find Your Soul Mate
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Handle Emotional Baggageborlweb500x587
checkmark53x40 Four Ways to Stop Making Bad Choices in Men
checkmark53x40 Five Reasons You May Need a Relationship Coach
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Get That Second Date
checkmark53x40 Five Things to Do If You Suspect Your Partner is Cheating
checkmark53x40 Five Things You Must Each Agree to Before You Can Fix Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Six Things You Really Need From Your Partner
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Deal with the Stress of Money Problems in Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Cope with Your Ex When You Have Children
checkmark53x40 What to Do If Your Ex Is a Lunatic
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Find Time for Sex
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Forgive Your Partner
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Get More Intimacy in Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Nine Ways to Have Great Sex with Your Mate
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Give More Love
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Handle the In-Laws
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Keep Negative People From Affecting Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Keep Your Man Interested
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Love Your Kids Without Losing Your Spouse
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Never Lose the Romance
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Rekindle the Love Flame You Thought Was Lost Forever
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Sabotage Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Stay Together Forever
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Stop Being Negative in Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Stop Arguing in Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Five Ways to Stop Your Mate from Nagging You
checkmark53x40 Six Myths About Affairs
checkmark53x40 How to Get More Love in Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 The Power of a Hug
checkmark53x40 Five Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship
checkmark53x40 Darryl’s Sure-Fire Way To Find Out If You Will Get Along With Your Mate
checkmark53x40 Darryl’s Confession: “Two Reasons I Remarried And Why You Should Too!”
checkmark53x40 Plus more than 50 other tips and strategies guaranteed to help you get, create, and enjoy your love life.

“I’ll take you by the hand and show you how to implement the best relationship strategies used by the most successful couples but…”

“…Before I Share With You The Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! , Take a Moment and Read What People Just Like You Are Saying About Me.”


“Darryl Mobley has given me invaluable advice and insight regarding my business challenges as johndepiazza103x114well as my personal crises. Darryl’s own success across a wide spectrum of business interests is eclipsed only by the joy and love he has fostered in his own family. I depend on his balanced perspective regarding the things that should really take priority in my life. His assistance and counsel was specifically instrumental in getting me re-engaged in living my life to the fullest and attaining new heights in my career as I recovered from the aftermath of a painful divorce.”
~ John DePiazza, Sacramento, CA


“Darryl is a wonderful gift to the world. It was so touching to hear the passion in his voice about how to create a better relationship. Darryl, I asked my spouse the question that you said would “dramatically and instantly improve” a relationship. It worked! It is amazing how powerful this question is. Before your seminar I was talking about divorcing my husband. I feel hopeful again for the first time in years. I want to thank you for helping me to get my marriage back on the right track. ”
~ Peggy [Last Name Withheld By Request], New Jersey


LesBrown300x417“Conversations with Darryl Mobley… will uncover exciting new possibilities for your family, relationship, finances, career, health and more”
~ Les Brown, Legendary Motivator, Author and TV Show Host

“Darryl, I purchased your 100 Worst Relationship Mistakes (and How to Fix or Avoid Them) multi-media program. My ex-husband and I have been trying to put things back together… Your 100 Worst Relationship Mistakes (and How to Fix or Avoid Them) multi-media program has done us a lot of good, and we’re ready now to re-marry and work on things together from the same home and use your program to assist us in finishing off the smaller things that we’ll need to take care of. Initially, we had probably 75 out of the 100 mistakes in your program and some deal breakers! Now it’s smoothing out and we only have about 4 or 5 we are working on. We’ve come to a point where there’s no animosity and we’ve both been able to find true forgiveness for ourselves. We’re both extremely impressed with your wisdom, approach and how helpful your materials are. We’re putting our trust in you and your knowledge, help & skills (thru your 100 Worst Mistakes program) to pull us completely back to the loving & caring marriage that we once had…and we both feel this is the first time we’ve found something that we know will work for us. We’re in it to win it ALL! Thank you again!”
~ Dianna Whitmer, Bastrop, Texas

“To Make Your Decision Easier, Here’s My No–Way–You–Can–Lose, 100% Risk-Free Money–Back Guarantee”

Here’s the bottomline: I’m so sure you’ll be delighted with the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! that I’m offering you a 30-day, risk-free money-back guarantee when you purchase the physical version of the book.

Do you think I would dare extend such an offer to you if I wasn’t absolutely, 100% sure that you’ll be more than happy with the ”Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!” ?

Listen, if you’re not happy with this manual, I DON’T WANT TO KEEP YOUR MONEY. Please tell me so that I can give back every cent that you paid for the manual.

You don’t have to tell me why you’re sending it back. You don’t have to try out any of my strategies. You don’t have to prove anything to me. It’s simple. If you are not ecstatic with the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked. Period!

If you’ve read even a few of the testimonials from other people, you’ll know why I’m so confident about the value of the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! .

Before I tell you what I’m going to offer you if you order by midnight tonight, let me tell you what you’re NOT going to get.

1. You’re NOT going to get a bunch of rehashed old information. I wrote every word in this Book myself and have used every technique I share with you in my relationship coaching practice… They work.

2. You’re NOT going to get a huge pile of useless bonuses. In fact, I custom-developed three, specific special bonuses because they cover the most important relationship strategies that EVERY man and woman MUST know.

3. You’re NOT going to get stuff that you can’t implement. In each chapter I take you by the hand and tell you step–by–step how to make your current (or your new) relationship work. To be honest, I pride myself on writing in a simple “how-to” format, rather than in a bunch of gibberish no one will understand (let alone, use).

BUT, here are the bonuses that you WILL receive in addition to the Book…



This fast-paced audio program (recorded live) covers. . .
checkmark53x40 10 Relationship Secrets That Every Man & Woman Must Know – – But DON’T!HeartCDweb
checkmark53x40 Key Mistakes That Women Make In Their Relationship
checkmark53x40 Key Mistakes That Men Make In Their Relationship
checkmark53x40 3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Relationship Immediately



“How To Make Your Relationship Work!”

This fast-paced audio program covers. . .
checkmark53x40 How To Make Your Relationship Work!
checkmark53x40 10 Secrets Women Need To Know About Men
checkmark53x40 How To Determine Whether You Really Want To Have A Great RelationshipRelationshipRescuecdweb
checkmark53x40 The One Question That Can Improve Your Relationship Now!

And, Darryl Answered Tough Questions in These Areas About Men and Relationships:
checkmark53x40 Long-distance relationship?
checkmark53x40 Fiance’s ex-wife drama?
checkmark53x40 Blended family household issues?
checkmark53x40 Online friendship/relationship?
checkmark53x40 Married to an older man?
checkmark53x40 Discipline for children?
checkmark53x40 Older woman and a younger man?
checkmark53x40 Attending church?
checkmark53x40 Being strung along?
checkmark53x40 Is it time to call it quits?


BOOK OF REAL LOVE (Audio Recording of book) by DARRYL L. MOBLEY

Performed by DARRYL L. MOBLEY, Enhanced,

LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE AUDIO, Normal Download Cost $32.95. BONUS Free to BookOfRealLove-CD-webyou.


“When you stand next to the one you love and who loves you; then you stand in heaven on earth.”

Darryl Mobley has unlocked the relationship possibilities inside hundreds of thousands of singles and couples worldwide. Now in this revolutionary new audio production…

Based on the finest tools, techniques, principles, and strategies offered in the print version of the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! , top-selling author and popular life coach Darryl L. Mobley offers – – min his own voice – – relationship advice that really works, along with inspiration and small actions that will allow you to significantly improve your current or future relationship.

Mobley, the undisputed master of the power of focus and taking action shows you in this audio book how to live the love you want. He demonstrates — passionately and eloquently — that successful relationships are a result – and as such can be modeled and duplicated. His enthusiasm and belief is contagious.

How can Darryl Mobley’s vocal inflection — a pause, a breath, a smile you can feel through your headphones — add to your experience of his latest best seller and these bonuses?

Find out by ordering the Book now and downloading the bonus audio programs now. And listen for yourself.

“Here Are Two Reasons Why I Priced The ‘Book Of Real Love’ At A Measly $47”

FIRST REASON: Although the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! and the valuable bonuses took me over a year to write and put together, I didn’t want to price it so high that only the wealthy could afford it. Listen, in my relationship coaching practice I never charge an hour of my time for less than $500.

Developing the contents for the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! took me years of trial and error to develop my proven strategies. It’s a steal at only $47!

SECOND REASON: Okay, now I’m going to be brutally honest. I priced the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! at $47 so that I could sell a lot of them. Why? Because I have a lot of other great products that I’d like to offer you after you purchase the book. I’m willing to give you the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! at a low price to get you to be my client. It’s that simple.


Now, I know that some of you don’t like to read books on the computer or print out hundreds of pages of documents so …

“…For Your Reading Convenience the ‘Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It!’ is Now Offered In Two Formats”

Format 1: PDF Digital Version. That means you’ll have no shipping and handling charges, and you can have it on your computer in a matter of minutes! Once we receive your order, we’ll immediately e-mail you instructions for downloading the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! to your computer. PLUS – we will immediately email you download instructions for your three incredible audio bonuses:
checkmark53x40 10 Relationship Secrets every man and woman should know, but don’t (Mp3);
checkmark53x40 How To Make Your Relationship Work! – the Relationship Rescue audio program (Mp3); and
checkmark53x40 Audio reading by Darryl Mobley of the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! – – Listen to this best seller in your car, on your Ipod or Mp3 player!

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Format 2: Real Paper & Ink Book Delivered To Your Address. Easy to Read, Understand and Apply. PLUS – we will immediately email you download instructions for your three incredible audio bonuses:
checkmark53x40 10 Relationship Secrets every man and woman should know, but don’t (Mp3);
checkmark53x40 How To Make Your Relationship Work! – the Relationship Rescue audio program (Mp3); and
checkmark53x40 Audio reading by Darryl Mobley of the Book Of Real Love: How To Get It! How To Give It! How To Enjoy It! – – Listen to this best seller in your car, on your Ipod or Mp3 player!

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Every day you procrastinate you are losing love. Yes, it’s costing you energy & happiness, and causing you stress every day you put off making changes in how you get, give, and attract love.

And with my Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Nothing Gets Better Without Change! If you do not make the right changes in how you deal with your relationship challenges, or how you go about looking for your Soul-Mate, or in your relationship habits, here is what you will get:
1. You will continue to struggle in your relationship every single day;
borlweb500x5872. You will continue to experience unnecessary stress and frustration in your personal life;
3. You will feel unfulfilled in your relationship;
4. You will probably never meet your Soul-Mate;
5. You will keep getting the same thing you are currently getting in your relationship;
6. You will continue to see others experiencing relationship bliss, while you suffer;
7. You will miss out on the great bonuses I’ve offered.

So – Are you ready to transform26-darrylmobley
your relationship or get into the relationship you dream of with your Soul-Mate?

Let’s Get Started!

Enjoy Life!

Darryl L. Mobley
Author and Relationship Coach
P.S. – The bonuses are available in limited supplies and only while they last. Order yours now!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Book Of Real Love
P.O. BOX 342305, Austin, Texas 78734
Tel: 512-795-0935 Email: Info@BookOfRealLove.com

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